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Real Estate Law Articles

Community Communication is Key in Association Living

Posted by Jane F. Bolin, Esq. | Jan 27, 2014 | 0 Comments

We've all heard the phrase “communication is key,” but did you know it also applies to safety in communities? You've probably been in a situation where two people at odds with each other have gotten violent, and this can happen in communities too. A community in discontent can lead to arguments which can result in vandalism, violence, and public displays of anger. One way to alleviate these problems is to foster healthy relationships not only between management and residents, but also between residents themselves.

Here are a few tips for promoting community communication:

  1. Invest in common areas: Common areas are a great place for your guests to interact. Many neighbors never get past the “hello” stage, but common areas provide a place for guests to go and relax while getting to know the other individuals who live in the community. Whether it be a pool or lounge, residents like to take advantage of the extra facilities that set their community apart. Bonus: these places are great for holding community events.
  2. Hold community events: Events are another great place for residents to get involved and interact, as well as for you to get to know them. An event can be anything from an informational seminar about safety in your community to a fun resident appreciation party complete with food and beverages. Hold an art auction or a weekly yoga class. Whatever event you choose, just make sure you're organized and prepared for the number of guests who are going to attend.
  3. Think about all your residents: These days, we live in a melting pot. Neighborhoods are filled with all different types of people, so be sure to accommodate for everyone. Put in wheelchair ramps and handrails in common areas and print signs in more than one language. Guests will feel more comfortable knowing that you care about everyone in the community, not just those in the majority.
  4. Install an efficient security system: The more secure an area is, the happier the residents will be, and with happy residents comes a happy community. Guests are more likely to walk around and visit common areas if they feel safe doing this and the best way to make them feel safe is with an effective security system. Whether you use cameras, security guards or a mixture of both, a safe community is a happy community.
  5. Effective orientation practices: This tip is really important because you want to make sure that the people moving into your community are a good fit for the community policies and the rest of the residents. Give tours, thoroughly explain policies and make sure any potential residents understand the consequences of breaking rules.

Communication is one of those things that is important in almost every aspect of life, so why shouldn't it be important in fostering a happy and healthy community outlook? Respond to any and all problems immediately and make an effort to keep the peace between residents, as well as between residents and management. Community communication is key to happy living.

What ways do you cultivate community involvement and communication?

About the Author

Jane F. Bolin, Esq.

Founding Member, Managing Partner


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