5 Tips for Keeping Condo Residents Happy
A condo association is a legal entity, so when it comes to dissolving it, it can be very difficult, but it is possible with good reason and the support of enough people. If a community decides they no longer want a condo association, they can “terminate” the association and you don't want to get into this battle. It is time consuming and a pain to deal with. So how do you ensure that your residents will not want to dissolve a condo association?
Here are 5 Tips for Keeping Condo Residents Happy:
- Know what you can and can't do: Many complaints about associations and boards comes from overstepping boundaries. You need to find a good balance between what needs to be done and what is best for residents, and always know what your boundaries are so that you never overstep them.
- Be clear about rules: When you live in a condo, there are certain things you must accept. Common areas have to be shared with others, and sometimes building staff may need to access your apartment when you're not there (ex: if your apartment is flooding into the apartment below you). Be clear on what the rules of the association are from the start and you'll have less trouble with tenants who misunderstood the regulations.
- Be accessible: The condo association should always be accessible to residents and in the case of an emergency, they sometimes need to be accessible quickly. Don't just ignore complaints, respond to them. Let the residents see the face behind the association, and they'll feel more comfortable living there.
- Think about security: Security is a tricky issue, especially in condo buildings, so you need to have a set security plan in place for any event. You want your residents to feel safe, and being prepared is the best way to do this. Install video cameras and consider using key fobs to get around the building.
- Budget properly: As with any business you must budget properly to have success. If you're responsible for keeping the condo building clean, you must maintain this or you may run into problems with residents. Residents who buy or rent a condo expect a certain level of value- and if you stop giving them something they expect, they may question why they really need you.
These tips will help you ensure that your residents do not want to dissolve a condo association. As an association, your residents are at the core of your business, so in order to keep your business successful, you must make them happy while still hitting your bottom line. For more information on condo associations and their legal rights, click here.
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