Making the Right Decision for your Community Association
Common lounge areas are a great way to bring your community together and give them a comfortable space to gather, meet, socialize, or simply relax.
As its most basic level, your common lounge area can have a few couches or some tables and chairs. You can also add a few televisions, a pool table, a book shelf, a game room, and more.
There is an unlimited variety of things you can do with your lounge, but the fact is, not every community association needs a common lounge area.
Common lounge areas allow your residents to gather in a communal setting and meet with each other, creating a sense of community and helping residents feel like they are part of something special. Residents can organize meetings or have community events in the lounge area, which makes them feel connected to the community association. These lounge areas also show residents that they are appreciated, and gives them a reason to stick around; after all, a private home probably doesn't have a lounge area this nice!
The main drawback of the common lounge area is costs. Initial building of the common area, putting in high-quality flooring, decorating the walls, and filling the space with furniture will not be cheap. If you plan to add televisions, pool tables, and other forms of entertainment, the cost will just keep rising. The other issue is space. Is a common area really the best use of your community's space? The lounge will take away valuable and limited space that could be used to build more units.
Before creating a common lounge area for your community association, there are several things that you should consider. First of all, ask yourself if your residents will actually use the lounge. People are busy, and while we'd all love to relax in a common lounge area for a few hours, few people really have the time. Some might use it for work, some might use it for relaxation, and some might never use it at all. Know your community before you commit to a lounge.
Also, is the common lounge area really needed? One of the main reasons to build a lounge is to enhance the sense of community and bring people together. Maybe your neighborhood already has a great sense of community, with everyone working together, interacting, and creating an excellent place to live. In that case, you may not need a lounge area in the first place.
If you decide that yes, a community area is needed and people will use it, then you need to determine who will be responsible for the upkeep and cleaning. Areas will get dirty and furniture can be broken. The pool table may need new felt and the television could need replacing. Is there writing in your governing documents that covers these issues? If not, you need to have a clear plan, in writing, before you move forward with a common area lounge.
Maybe you just completed a common lounge area, or maybe you've had one for years but no one uses it. In that case, make an effort to encourage people to use it. Start by personally hosting an event in the lounge area. You can host a community meeting, have pizza delivered to the lounge, host a viewing party for the local sports team, or even have a “Meet Your Board of Directors” night in the lounge.
Anything that gets people in and lets them see the area will be a benefit. Once people experience the common area lounge for the first time, they are more likely to come back again and again.
A common area lounge is a great place for your community to congregate, socialize, and create a wonderful community, but it takes time, effort, and planning to do it right.
Do you need help with an issue related to a common area lounge? Is there a legal situation that requires an attorney who understands the complexities of community associations? Then you need to call PeytonBolin today and put our experience to work. You'll get reliable support for any issue, so call now!
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