Grab the bull by the horns and get your board moving in the right direction.
While having a board comprised of enthusiastic team players is a powerful way to run your association, it really only takes one person to get things going and start the process of transforming your association into a business model that will ultimately make it the most effective. If you're that person, here's how to take the reins and get into action.
Draft your goals
The first step to streamlining the goals of your board is to sit down and identify what they are and to lay out your Association's Business Cycle. This needs to be done before anything else because it's the foundation for everything that comes next. Once you've put it all in writing, you'll want to get together with the rest of the board and go over it, fine-tuning all the goals to ensure nothing's been left out.
Map out meeting agendas
Creating meeting agendas in advance is not only proactive, it allows you to begin tracking all the goals you've identified for your association for the entire year. Then, you can break down all the goals into action items and assign responsibility to board members. By planning everything out in advance, you're showing your board how easily tasks can be accomplished and how your board process can be streamlined and run effectively as a business. Goals can be achieved in incremental steps on a monthly basis, so no one is overwhelmed with what has to be done.
By taking proactive measures, you can get the conversation started with your board and begin to set a course for an effectively managed, streamlined process. Remember that even if you hit a few roadblocks along the way, you will still be way ahead when you run your association as you would a business and it only takes one person to get the ball rolling.
For more tips on running your board, get in touch with us today or inquire about our flat fee retainer program which ensures that your association board has the legal support you need at all times.
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